Saturday, December 4, 2010

How to Create a Different Color Tone with 4 step

this example:

AExample of a normal color and then if you want to be red, blue, or purple, how easy. This I will give step by step how to easily:

For adobe fotoshop user (I use an older version 6):
1. Open the image
2. select Enhance-adjust- color balance
3. continue to exist aja maenin red, blue, whatever our tastes until we meet that we liked the color tone
4. after that save. easy

B.  if you want to create a frame which items are also easy:
 1. we select the inside of the image aja2. we continue to select-inverse3. continue edit-fill with black4. has become a frame items, and5. if you want to make a white in a black frame and then select it and edit - stroke wearing white6. completed

It is very easy....


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