Monday, November 29, 2010

Make a Photo Darker Tone or More Dimension

Actually, to base its processed now in HERE
So this technique is a continuation of previous techniques .....
previous results such as these:

be like this:
  • First after doing though dgital from the previous page to do masking curve as shown below:

later this box will appear:

  • then click Layer -> New -> Layer (instead of overlay mode), then click the reply in the red bulletin (this step is equal ama step 6 of the previous page)
Then the layer will look like this below

  • Perform Burning and dodging in a new layer.

  • After feeling quite lard do Flatten (Layer -> Flatten Image)
  • Do this step several times until he explained clearly visible dark difference. Afterwards if wanted in aplot at FN who 150kb max size, do the saving via Save for Web (File -> Save for Web). note: if want to use frames, all frames should be here first

  • After getting the file from the Save for Web, open again the file in photoshop, do comparasi with the file before saving, then do a Hue / Saturation as below:

  • This is done because usually after saving to a file that is smaller color, quality, etc. decreased, so to get closer to its original color.

  • If the lightness and darkness also declined to do anymore ..... way above.
note: because the file is edited the file size is only hundreds of kb (max. 150kb for the size aplot in fn) will also reduce its exposure to dodge n burn. Such as when the earlier (before saving and resize) using the exposure of 20%, here the use of smaller exposure such as 5%. aim for more smooth movement of dark to light dr.

so the end result to be like this:

few tips from me hopefully useful and if there are additional or input can comment below ....


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